Norman Foley
Pro Class
dfeckel;94100 I made my own. Not a single Husky part, but not a single KTM part, either!
A little history...I've been riding my CR 125 with enduro mods in the ECEA enduro series, and it's been great. It's magic in the super tight stick farms, especially with the EFM auto clutch, and the light weight has made me a much stronger finisher than I used to be on my TE300. However, I wanted more low-end with more tractability for the "rock runs" of PA and NY. South Jersey runs have a lot of sand and not a lot of elevation change, so the 125 works great here. Not as great for me in the hills and rocks.
I've heard nothing but good things about the KDX 200 motor for rocks and hills, and when I read about several folks putting that motor into the modern and light-weight KX 125 chassis, I decided to build one for the rocks. It's a 2003 KX 125 with a 1990 KDX 200 motor.
I just finished it, and I think it'll be a great bike for the intended purpose. It was also a lot of fun to build. The whole build story is at in the KX-KDX hybrid forum.
My apologies to everyone that it's not a Husky--if Husky made one, I'd be riding it!
I also apologize to anyone who has seen these pictures on the other forums I frequent (ECEA, TT, KDXrider)--I'm just so tickled with it I need to share!
Special thanks to Drew Smith at WER who rebuilt and revalved the suspenders. Great service!
I was just over at the ECEA BB, thinking...... Dave has to post this on CH!