Husq.fleet;67743 said:
I'm probably one of the worst. Here's my excuse-I "TRY" to have perfect spelling and grammer all day, being a college instructor. By late in the evening I'm just used up and thats my story.
"Try" sounds good to me.
Here is the oldest thread that exists on Cafe Husky:
A very warm welcome one and all.
The goal of this site is to give a place for Husqvarna enthusiasts to have a place with a relaxed atmosphere to discuss whatever you want within reason – stories, trip reports, talk about the bikes, and whatever else may be on your mind. Non-Husqvarna owners are also welcome.
This is a High-Class forum – post accordingly. Attitude, helpfulness, spelling, punctuation, all count.
Motorcycle manufacturers and affiliates are warmly welcomed and encouraged to post.
Sincerely Dean
Really think about the words 'all count'. Those words imply they matter, but does not really define anything. It certainly does not specify a certain edition of a dictionary or anything like that.
I opened Cafe Husky so people could have a nice place to hang out and discuss Husqvarna bikes, the Husqvarna life style, and other things. While there are
many places on the internet people discuss Husqvarna bikes I wanted Cafe Husky to be a level above those other places... and I had a reason.
Here was the plan for Cafe Husky:
I wanted a place where the people from Husqvarna to feel comfortable in visiting. It was my hope that they would feel comfortable in discussing the issues presented on the forum inside the factory. That communication would allow the betterment of the bikes, and
everyone would win. The riders would get better bikes, dealers and factory would sell more bikes, the aftermarket manufacturers would do better - everyone wins.
If this was 'just another place on the internet' those people would not feel as comfortable in visiting, or even admitting they viewed it. Then the feedback would do no good.
Based on meetings with certain people, in person, on the phone, and through emails, that plan appears to be working great.
So that was the plan, and it seems to be working. I'm sure some of you still think the idea is a little silly, the really fantastic thing about the internet is there are seemingly limitless places on the internet to discuss almost any topic imaginable, each with their own characteristics and charm. It's all good, everyone is different, just like all the internet forums are different.
I want to thank everyone for taking the time to join, or even visiting and are reading this message. Your time is valuable and I appreciate you using some of that time to visit Cafe Husky.
especially want to thank HuskyT for setting up an awesome vintage forum!
The amount of time he spends on this site, away from his family, and all his other duties, is tremendous.