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My experience with lean-ness causing pinging is that you are likely to see the effects on the sparkplug, typically very white and sometimes melting the anode and in extreme cases melting a hole in the piston. Changing to a colder sparkplug will help prevent pinging but go too cold and it will become harder to start. I have not seen de-lamination of the head gasket caused by a lean mixture and think that more likely caused by water expanding into steam. (Technology and materials have changed over the years since I messed around modifying engines so I may be wrong here) Without any doubt, bubbles in the radiator before it reaches boiling point are a sure sign of compressed air being pumped into the water jacket, this would cause rapid and excessive pressure in the radiator when the cap is on.
A compression test might reveal low compression, confirming the leak. An exhaust gas analyzer would reveal any lean-ness.
I had the typical stumbling issue on my Strada and tried the eruption mod which eliminated the stalling but still had some surging at 3000 revs. I have since fitted a Powercommander and for the first time felt it is almost 100%. I think the PCV is absolutely the answer because I can fine tune it at any rev for pod mod, aftermarket exhaust or anything else. Of course the Autotune would be ideal and it would be very interesting to see if a PCV eliminated Quirky's pinging. Of course, if the head gasket is blown the only fix is a new gasket.
A compression test might reveal low compression, confirming the leak. An exhaust gas analyzer would reveal any lean-ness.
I had the typical stumbling issue on my Strada and tried the eruption mod which eliminated the stalling but still had some surging at 3000 revs. I have since fitted a Powercommander and for the first time felt it is almost 100%. I think the PCV is absolutely the answer because I can fine tune it at any rev for pod mod, aftermarket exhaust or anything else. Of course the Autotune would be ideal and it would be very interesting to see if a PCV eliminated Quirky's pinging. Of course, if the head gasket is blown the only fix is a new gasket.