Pro Class
I got it ! No more classified's , so lets change it up . Vintage Trades only ... I have a lot of pieces and parts that i know wont really sell but I bet some one else needs one of these parts . I really cant see charging certain amount of money for something half wore out or one small part , but could still be used for a low budget bike or person just getting into the vintage bikes. Does not seem so hard to figure out trades must be done on the forum so moderators could occasionally check if needed and members could watch the trades as well . Could be alot of fun to see whats being traded. It would be your choice to trade for something that you need or some one else needed from you and then turn around and trade the piece if you did'nt need it for something that you may need one day. Again these are parts just laying around that you are no longer going to use anyway and hard to sell or would take a long time to sell to the right buyer.