OSSA DI Enduro?

Discussion in 'Newsroom' started by wallybean, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. huskyfrk Husqvarna
    AA Class

    los alamitos Ca
    i do remember reading that one of the two new prototypes ossa showed a while back was just a wooden mock up. and not interested in a gas gas powered ossa. as many of us wait with baited breath to hear what is revealed at the italian show this week....
    hawaiidirtrider likes this.
  2. BILLF CH Sponsor

    BMP Husqvarna, Salem, OR USA
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    I have a Yankee Zee chassis with a Yamaha Sr500 in it cafe raced out. Out back that we are working on for a guy talk about a rare one.l
    And I knew we talked about the OSSA logo a long time ago on CAFE HUSKY was the idea to make the contest a bit easier.
  3. Vinduro Husqvarna
    Pro Class

  4. bearorso Husqvarna
    AA Class

    I know who you are, Vinduro, and I'm a bit surprised by this "this is a joke" take on the Ossa.

    They are a tiny company, that has started back up in very hard times, and they are doing quite well.

    Their 'tinyness', has them concentrating on their Trials bikes, and the Explorer.

    The engine, is out there, and doing well. I've come across, on the web, a bit about them spitting out gearbowes, but It's been predominantly on KTMTalk - I find a few from there, ever ready to have a 'kick' at anything not KTM, whilst ever ignoring KTMS many stuff ups. My own research, has found no great problem with the bikes. Though, I'm ever aware of "batch problems", having been very involved with warranty work for a few decades.

    The whole architecture of the engine / frame, addresses some very key issues with 2ts, and, I find it a breath of fresh air.

    As I said, there are now a few thousand of these engines out there, and they are doing pretty well in a very stressful economic environment.

    A rotated induction and exhaust, on any bike, is no reinvention of an ICE, nor is a tilt to the rear . Especially on a 2t.

    I wish Ossa, and all the smaller companies well - at least they are doing something different, and doing it well. They may never get the new "Pioneers" out, but I very much hope they do. At least the company is making it's own thing, and not just being a "re-badged bike releaser". Though I very much hope Husky / KTM will deliver on their promises for future originality.

    PS Huskyfrk - many of the bikes at shows are "mock ups", it's nothing new, and has been done since the invention of the motorcycle and will be done well into the future. The largest of companies have "wooden bikes" at shows, and model releases / unveilings. To repeat, the engines exist - they are out there in a reasonable number, they are not 'wooden mock ups".
    juicypips likes this.
  5. Vinduro Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    I have seen these bikes and ridden one. No improvement at all, over other bikes. I don't believe in reinventing the wheel. Sorry but that is my opinion.
    PS: I don't like Aluminum frames, Perimeter frames either. I don't care at all for EFI , or DI. Don't even care for watercooled bikes but that probably won't change anytime soon. If doesn't make a real improvement then why do it ? I am not a fan of marketing engineering.
  6. hawaiidirtrider Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Oahu , Hawaii
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    1982 430 cr
    Other Motorcycles:
    01' cr 250 honda, 01 300ec, Beta 525
    What? Where is it that anyone has some video of this bike actually running... It's been a few years and to me it's crappy that it's been this long without a good running bike. If any of you have some pics and vids of a running bike I'd love to see it.. but right now OSSa's credibility is not there for me. It looks cool.. well the mock up does but so what.
  7. hawaiidirtrider Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Oahu , Hawaii
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    1982 430 cr
    Other Motorcycles:
    01' cr 250 honda, 01 300ec, Beta 525

    You rode the 300 fi enduro Ossa? When ? Where? Got any info on it?
  8. hawaiidirtrider Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Oahu , Hawaii
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    1982 430 cr
    Other Motorcycles:
    01' cr 250 honda, 01 300ec, Beta 525

    The so called introduction to the Ossa enduro 300 was in 2010. It's almost 2014. So where are these bikes? how do they run? .... That's more than lame.. and I like 2 strokes.
  9. bearorso Husqvarna
    AA Class

    It was a bike shown at a show - it was not an official model introduction.

    As I've written, they are a tiny company, re-starting in very difficult economic times. They are concentrating on their main, base market - that of Trials, and have stepped slightly away from it, with the LRT / LDT market Explorer.

    They are far from the first company to show a bike, and not have it, yet, come out. It may never appear - they may not have the size / strength to further expand - they may not survive long. Though, I very much hope they do. Husky, as an Italian company, has not survived, for example, neither did it as an Swedish Motorcycle Company. Now, we'll see how it goes as an Austrian Company. The 'name', has survived for a long time - I think it's the oldest surviving 'brand name' in motorcycling?

    Vinduro : You say you've ridden the Ossa "Pioneer" ( I'm using that 'name', as I'm of that vintage, much like you). Lucky Bloke, you.

    And, it doesn't do anything better. Does it do anything worse? Did you ride it for any length of time? As I said, I know who you are - and, I have a good deal of respect for you. And, I know that one needs to ride a bike for some time, to truly assess it's attributes. Though, if it's an absolute disaster, one can usually pick it up quickly. It's not wildly 'different' - as I said, it's no more than a rotated inlet and exhaust, and, a tilted back cylinder. It's got a very low reaching tank - which I am a real fan of, making my own drop tanks for my old 2ts - and EFI, which to me, is just an electronic carb substitute, nothing earth shattering. Frame / suspension ( and I don't count a 'different' linkage set up as anything particularly 'different' - they are nothing more than a means to an end, to me - I can take 'em or leave 'em, I can make a linkage or PDS work well, for Me, indeed, I'm giving my linkage 'the flick', for a TTXed , non link rear end set up, eventually) are conventional . Well, in a world of aluminium frames, it might be 'unconventional' :lol:. It just has changes in the way things are positioned, and I see no problem with that. And, it addresses one of the big (for many) 'issues' of chamber vulnerability. Mind you, that has lead to people squawking about it being a 'bum burner'......

    I can jump from a reverse cylinder Yamaha, to a 'conventional' cylinder 'any'bike, with no great difference felt. I can go from a conventional counter shaft / swingarm pivoted bike to a coaxial pivoted bike, easily, too. I quite like coaxial rear ends, by the way. But, I've ridden with the add on torque eliminator rear ends, quite a bit, so I'm used to a rear end that is very much like a coaxial one. Either / Either ? I don't really care that much - each has it's attributes that I can deal with.

    Vin, you may not be a fan of some 'improvements' - neither am I, at times. But, some things, are needed to keep bikes around, such as things that make them quieter / cleaner. At least, they are needed by those of us that have to have a legally road usable bike, in their areas / countries. If you don't need those things, to ride legally, you're a lucky bloke.
  10. hawaiidirtrider Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Oahu , Hawaii
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    1982 430 cr
    Other Motorcycles:
    01' cr 250 honda, 01 300ec, Beta 525
    i'm all for Ossa doing well and any offroad dirt bike company for that matter. Still it's obvious that it sucks to put out this bike and not have it produced. i like the concept of the explorer. I don't know if I'd drop 8k or more for one but it's a cool niche bike. i like how super light it is..but really just bringing back a gasgas pampera would be just as good I think and a lot cheaper. To me it's a bad tease is all. Don't introduce a bike if it's not ready.. Don't show a mock up and we all are waiting 4 years later. That's common sense to me. i'm irritated with ossa. ..and i think a lot are. i'm liking the bikes with carbs anyway.
  11. Boogie Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Red head
    I like it, it's sexy and unique. If it worked just as good as my TE310R ...and didn't melt the seat to my ass... I'd own it.

    Now where are these being ridden??? I want pictures and videos...
  12. hawaiidirtrider Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Oahu , Hawaii
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    1982 430 cr
    Other Motorcycles:
    01' cr 250 honda, 01 300ec, Beta 525
    That's the thing... no pics no videos.. just the same stuff from 2010. ..any print on it too? i've been looking but haven't found anything ..
  13. Colo moto CH Sponsor

    La Jara, Colorado
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    I don't believe that the OSSA enduro bike will be coming out any time soon. I have spoken to the US importer for OSSA a couple of times about the possibility of us making some parts for the trials bikes. According to him OSSA US only imports about 150 bikes per year. The US is a small market for trials bikes but even if OSSA sells 10 times more bikes in the rest of the world as the US that sill makes it less than 2000 units per year. Pretty hard to expand with those numbers. The trials bikes are cool and work very well, but they have their problems that I believe OSSA is trying to work out first. I would much rather see them get the trials bikes dialed in and reliable before expanding into full sized dirt bikes.

    Cannondale had a cool idea and that platform could have developed into a legit contender after a few years of refinement. In my opinion they screwed themselves by trying to take on all comers right out of the gate. They made a MX version, enduro version, street version, and an ATV. If they had just focused on one discipline they might have made it. I think OSSA is doing the right thing. Focus on one thing and get it dialed in before expanding onto something else.
  14. bearorso Husqvarna
    AA Class

    The Ossa was shown at the 2011 EICMA. It's then mooted release date, I think, was very late 2012, with very limited numbers, and then series production in 2013. That, I could have a bit wrong - it was a while ago.

    Trials Magazine, a Brit Mag, that I think is tied in a bit with a French mag - or it has an French version of, had a 'Inside the Factory" type of story on Ossa - they do these on a few factories. It dealt with the Enduro Bike, in only a small part of the story, with the owner / manager? saying that it would become a 3 injector engine for the HP / Torque levels required for Enduro / MX use, and the extended revs that such a use would demand. To my way of thinking at least one injector may be positioned much like that on the Athena set up, on the side of the barrel, pointed upwards . But, who knows?

    It was said in that report that they hoped to have it used in some racing starting early 2013, then production mid / late 2013. But, the main subject of the story was their concentration on their core Trials Production, and , very importantly, the Explorer. And, their ambitions for their EFI 2ts in Asian markets. Citing the real need for clean, cheap, simple, easily repairable 2ts in Asian markets, instead of 4ts. That, to me, showed real forethought. Perhaps their attention / funds are going to development of such powerplants / bikes?

    As Colo Moto said, they are doing the right thing - concentrating on their Real, Traditional Market - Trials bikes. They got out the 125 this year - a key capacity for Trials markets, in getting people on your brand, early. And, a very important, Rules Legislated Class in Trials. That, the 2 new 125s (std and Factory - I think they call the trick one), the 250i, 280i, the 300i (yes Trials manufacturers do 'stack on' capacities), the Factory / High Zoot versions of them as well, and the Explorers, have their full attention, capacity and investment.

    Despite various problems with economies, and very severe tightening of rules / riding areas in Europe (Spain, apparently, notably so) , Trials Bikes, and their Long Ride versions ( every European manufacturer had versions of those, some, like Bultaco, a dizzying array of versions - it's no new concept), do have significant sales in Europe / UK. It's why there are quite a few small manufacturers. And, the Japanese factories neglect of the Enduro / Trail Bike market, especially 2ts, has offered opportunities to many of them to get a nice slice of those markets. KTMs swallowing of Husky / culling of Husaberg, makes things even better, I think, for the smaller companies.

    The "Pioneer", may never appear, though, I very much hope it does. Ossa are seeing the success of Beta, Sherco, Gas Gas and TM ( not huge, but significant enough for them now to be able to be sold at prices rivaling, or lower than that of KTMs - that's got to make you wonder about how royally 'reamed' on pricing we are in some markets, by KTM), and, I'm sure, would love to get a piece of the action, but they need to concentrate on their core markets. Jotagas seem to be in the same position - concentrating on their Trials bikes, though, I very much think that the death of Mika Ahola was a devastating thing, for such a small, start up company, with regards to their Enduro bikes.

    Strange that Vinduro says he's ridden the bike, but I've not seen any ride reviews in Mags from any journos - but, I get to see only a very few Euro mags. Though, with the interest that there was, and still is, in the Ossa Enduro Bike, I would have thought that any report on it, would have been 'sold on' to many a magazine.

    As it is, the time frame for release, was a lot later than so many seemed to take in. Blokes were "squealing" almost instantly that they were being 'dudded' on bikes, when Ossa made their first projected release dates, quite clearly, as being some time away. As was the first revision / delay of release announcement. If they were to suddenly announce a release date, for early 2014, it would be only about 6 / 8 months behind the last one I knew of. Not that I expect any such announcement of 'impending' release of the bike. I think they are now trying not to indulge in the old 'Ducati Model Release' trap, where you'd wait many years for a model to appear. Plenty of 'new models', from even the major manufacturers, never appear, or take a few years to appear.
  15. hawaiidirtrider Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Oahu , Hawaii
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    1982 430 cr
    Other Motorcycles:
    01' cr 250 honda, 01 300ec, Beta 525

    I'm thinking you are talking about maybe the explorer? That's not the same bike.
  16. huskyfrk Husqvarna
    AA Class

    los alamitos Ca
    4 years and still no production bikes ?? Sounds just like Norton with their 961 lol
  17. oldbikedude Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Honey Brook Pa.
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    1988 wr 430 with cr suspension
    Other Motorcycles:
    66flh,67 CA77,76 CR125M,73H1,74ty250
    luv the pipe, hate the silencer!
  18. juicypips Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    wr 360. 2002
    Other Motorcycles:
    Gas Gas TxT 300, Yamaha wr250f
    sexy colour and i would give my kidney for one if i had the opertunity, mind you i dont have much cash so i would sell my kidney for quite alot of things.
    454x likes this.