• Husqvarna Motorcycles Made In Sweden - About 1988 and older

  • Hi everyone,

    As you all know, Coffee (Dean) passed away a couple of years ago. I am Dean's ex-wife's husband and happen to have spent my career in tech. Over the years, I occasionally helped Dean with various tech issues.

    When he passed, I worked with his kids to gather the necessary credentials to keep this site running. Since then (and for however long they worked with Coffee), Woodschick and Dirtdame have been maintaining the site and covering the costs. Without their hard work and financial support, CafeHusky would have been lost.

    Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been working to migrate the site to a free cloud compute instance so that Woodschick and Dirtdame no longer have to fund it. At the same time, I’ve updated the site to a current version of XenForo (the discussion software it runs on). The previous version was outdated and no longer supported.

    Unfortunately, the new software version doesn’t support importing the old site’s styles, so for now, you’ll see the XenForo default style. This may change over time.

    Coffee didn’t document the work he did on the site, so I’ve been digging through the old setup to understand how everything was running. There may still be things I’ve missed. One known issue is that email functionality is not yet working on the new site, but I hope to resolve this over time.

    Thanks for your patience and support!

83 CR500, here begineth the lesson

Dont touch anything without a motor they are way to dangerous, sod keeping fit pass me another beer, or TWO :cheers:
Those scapulars can sting especially if the so called doctor says it's only a sprain and lets the thing heal crooked.
Never gave me my money back either.:cry:
Fatal mistake not to have a motor... the lack of speed means your trajectory into the ground is direct and hard!. Converted motorcyclists continue to stack mtb's with alarming regularity! the failure of the MTB to respond to twisting the right wrist in uncontrolled situations leads to the above! Beware of motorless bikes.
I waited many years to be able to ride one with a motor and i cant understand why you would want to have to pedal the blo*dy things again beats me....:)

Hey Joe (could be a good song i rekon..?..) take it easy and heal well as its getting harder to do...
Lessons learnt;
Mountain bikes more dangerous than motorcycles.
As well as the evidence above, in 30 +years of both this is my worst injury and believe me I've done some really stupid things on both. But, while drunk I've had really bad pushbike accidents and walked. I cite being towed by a tuktuk at 20mph, being passed a beer and crossing up, bounced hard on chest and never splilt a drop. Minor abrasions, carried on drinking.
So, pushbikes fine when shitfaced but not for serious lycra wearing nob ends. Offroad riding needs an engine.
Exercise is dangerous and counterproductive.
The only two young(ish) fellers on the ward was me and a guy whose leg had been snapped like a matchstick and hip dislocated by a piece of gym equipment coming off the wall and nearly killing him. The surgeon, plump and healthy looking, laughed and said 'I'll add that to the long list of gyms I'll never be visiting'.
Austrailians don't feel pain. i.e. Dukkman scapular breaks can 'sting' a little.
I initially felt a little wussy about this cause mine hurt like f u c k, but then realised that in a country where a 'sting' (box jellyfish amongst others) can kill you I see it's all relative and an Aussie would have sworn just as much but just felt luckier that nothing waiting in the bush had killed him thus lessening the seriousness of injury. The worst that could have happened to me is maybe falling on a sleeping hedgehog.

Finally Freaky, not thought of waxing but might go for the Husky H shaved. I've got a bit of time on my hands.
Finally Freaky, not thought of waxing but might go for the Husky H shaved. I've got a bit of time on my hands.

That would make a seriously good picture for your avatar Joe ! Go on ..... you know you want to ;)
I now have a few days of not being allowed to do too much that involves walking or moving too much. Had a chat with a man with two bricks this afternoon.
I guess riding the bikes will be out for a few days :lol: Teeny bit sore.......
Finally Freaky, not thought of waxing but might go for the Husky H shaved. I've got a bit of time on my hands.

That would make a seriously good picture for your avatar Joe ! Go on ..... you know you want to ;)
I now have a few days of not being allowed to do too much that involves walking or moving too much. Had a chat with a man with two bricks this afternoon.
I guess riding the bikes will be out for a few days :lol: Teeny bit sore.......
Yow, the cruellest cut of all.
Hey joe, did riding that husky put that hair on your chest? Maybe you can repaint that white pipe with your down time. I think It should be black but I also like the freedoms of building it to please yourself. Can you take off the sweater so we can see the injury......just kidding my friend I hope you recover quickly & fully.
I now have a few days of not being allowed to do too much that involves walking or moving too much. Had a chat with a man with two bricks this afternoon.

Oooohhhh I was forced kicking and screaming into this balbaric procedure a few years back, it's frightening what you'll do when sex starved!! That first injection is shocking, i've never screamed that loud silently in my head and cried so much but shed no tears!!!
Oooohhhh I was forced kicking and screaming into this balbaric procedure a few years back, it's frightening what you'll do when sex starved!! That first injection is shocking, i've never screamed that loud silently in my head and cried so much but shed no tears!!!
On the brightside though, you should be able to retract them for the big jumps and hard braking now, just like a Shaolin monk. My shoulder feels way better thanks to you and Grouty by the way.
i thought it was easy until i realised the nurse holding the turkey bits out of the way was a mates sister!!!

little hard make up stories that afternoon...:eek:
Plastic tank model would be nicer but its one sweet unit. ol mate will be beside himself when i flick this to him....
So, I'll be taking a break from posting on this thread for a couple of months. Well, a couple of breaks;
3 ribs an a bruised lung.
Followed by a short break in the local Hospital, high point I think was waking up at 3am in a morphined haze, not knowing where I am an finding an American man forcing a piece of fuel hose down the end of my weener !
I'll finish it off in the spring and post it all up. Thanks to all for the technical and moral support. Any advice on what to do with one arm for a couple of months (apart from the obvious) gratefully recieved.
Cheers, Joe :cheers:
By the way Grouty, if I can do this much damage offroad on a bike without an engine think what I could achieve on one with an engine !

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Joe, that is a seriously hairy chest, but as they say in the Fosters advert "Waxing is for cars"...

Where did you do that and how did you do that to get such a complete set of injuries..?

Are you going to be fit to ride at the World Twinshocks meeting at Farleigh next year ?

Get well soon.

Joe, that is a seriously hairy chest, but as they say in the Fosters advert "Waxing is for cars"...

Where did you do that and how did you do that to get such a complete set of injuries..?

Are you going to be fit to ride at the World Twinshocks meeting at Farleigh next year ?

Get well soon.

I never waxed a car, but then I never paid more than £500 for a car. The complete set of injuries comes from the SPD (Shimano Pedaling Dynamics) system . If you were on a motorcycle on a fast down hill corner that leg would be out ready. Not with those stupid fookin pedals ! Never again. Working on the bike again though, should be ready for the first Prescott hillclimb... get some 17" stickies on !!! Could swap my wheels out on the day...