• Hi everyone,

    As you all know, Coffee (Dean) passed away a couple of years ago. I am Dean's ex-wife's husband and happen to have spent my career in tech. Over the years, I occasionally helped Dean with various tech issues.

    When he passed, I worked with his kids to gather the necessary credentials to keep this site running. Since then (and for however long they worked with Coffee), Woodschick and Dirtdame have been maintaining the site and covering the costs. Without their hard work and financial support, CafeHusky would have been lost.

    Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been working to migrate the site to a free cloud compute instance so that Woodschick and Dirtdame no longer have to fund it. At the same time, I’ve updated the site to a current version of XenForo (the discussion software it runs on). The previous version was outdated and no longer supported.

    Unfortunately, the new software version doesn’t support importing the old site’s styles, so for now, you’ll see the XenForo default style. This may change over time.

    Coffee didn’t document the work he did on the site, so I’ve been digging through the old setup to understand how everything was running. There may still be things I’ve missed. One known issue is that email functionality is not yet working on the new site, but I hope to resolve this over time.

    Thanks for your patience and support!

Booster Plug

According to my dealer my Terra has been MOSSed and it still stumbles a bit and has stalled at a light. The temperature here has been around 95 degrees for the week I've owned the bike. Does anybody have experience with the Wuka or Booster at higher elevations for the majority of your riding? I am at 4,000 to 7,000 feet in elevation 95% percent of the time. I am wondering if these plugs would help considering my riding conditions. It gets cold in the winter as well. What are your guy's thoughts?
According to my dealer my bike has been MOSSed and my Terra still stumbles a bit and has stalled at a light. The temperature here has been around 95 degrees for the week I've owned the bike. Does anybody have experience with the Wuka or Booster at higher elevations for the majority of your riding? I am at 4,000 to 7,000 feet in elevation 95% percent of the time. I am wondering if these plugs would help considering my riding conditions. It gets cold in the winter as well. What are your guy's thoughts?

Seems almost everyone reporting very good gains in how the bike runs with it.
According to my dealer my bike has been MOSSed and my Terra still stumbles a bit and has stalled at a light. The temperature here has been around 95 degrees for the week I've owned the bike. Does anybody have experience with the Wuka or Booster at higher elevations for the majority of your riding? I am at 4,000 to 7,000 feet in elevation 95% percent of the time. I am wondering if these plugs would help considering my riding conditions. It gets cold in the winter as well. What are your guy's thoughts?
I have run mine to 5500 ft elevation on a steep grade. It performed great, far better than the carbureted Yamaha VMax and KLR 650's I was riding with.
According to my dealer my bike has been MOSSed and my Terra still stumbles a bit and has stalled at a light. The temperature here has been around 95 degrees for the week I've owned the bike. Does anybody have experience with the Wuka or Booster at higher elevations for the majority of your riding? I am at 4,000 to 7,000 feet in elevation 95% percent of the time. I am wondering if these plugs would help considering my riding conditions. It gets cold in the winter as well. What are your guy's thoughts?

I live at 9100 ft and do most of my riding between 6500 and 9500 ft. I installed the Wuka last Saturday and could not be happier with the improvement. Mine too had been mossed prior and I was still having the stumbles and occasional stalls. All that is gone and the motor pulls strong from the bottom to the top thanks to the Wuka.
I live at 9100 ft and do most of my riding between 6500 and 9500 ft. I installed the Wuka last Saturday and could not be happier with the improvement. Mine too had been mossed prior and I was still having the stumbles and occasional stalls. All that is gone and the motor pulls strong from the bottom to the top thanks to the Wuka.

Thanks for that info. Exactly what I needed to know :cheers:.
According to my dealer my bike has been MOSSed and my Terra still stumbles a bit and has stalled at a light. The temperature here has been around 95 degrees for the week I've owned the bike. Does anybody have experience with the Wuka or Booster at higher elevations for the majority of your riding? I am at 4,000 to 7,000 feet in elevation 95% percent of the time. I am wondering if these plugs would help considering my riding conditions. It gets cold in the winter as well. What are your guy's thoughts?
Scutler - I am mostly at sea level however, my Terra was also suposedly MOSS'ed also, but stumbled and stalled as reported by many here.. Installed the WUKA (switched version) and instantly noticed a large improvement. Money well spent for me.. Similar results reported from many who installed the booster..
cant say for sure which works better at your altitude.. Good luck with yours...
I'm wondering about a random theory concerning stumbling. Can someone that has had stumbling problems tell me whether their throttle control has any 'play' in it when closed?

For instance, I can turn my throttle, from completely closed, a small amount before I feel tension, giving me a small amount of play at the closed end before it will actually start pulling anything.
I'm wondering about a random theory concerning stumbling. Can someone that has had stumbling problems tell me whether their throttle control has any 'play' in it when closed?

For instance, I can turn my throttle, from completely closed, a small amount before I feel tension, giving me a small amount of play at the closed end before it will actually start pulling anything.

When i picked up my Strada, the dealer told me that they set the throttle with no play on purpose. Apparently they were having issues with bikes that had some play.

to me by the very idea that an ignition miss, a blast. Perhaps because of the mixture is too lean. however, even before I start to put his hand on the bike I want to solve the problem entirely. since the last update things seemed much mmigliorate. Now, however, 'I expect to see with the new exhaust how it will behave. however I have already reckoned to mount the booster plug that I have purchased and tested previously. this has happened to me.
Only booster plug, some stumbling.
only update a few stumbling.
I hope that the combination of two things will solve the problem permanently.

a me da proprio l'idea che manchi un accensione, uno scoppio. Forse per via della miscela troppo magra. comunque anche io prima di iniziare a mettere mano sulla moto voglio risolvere del tutto il problema. dopo l'ultimo aggiornamento le cose sembravano nettamente mmigliorate. ora pero' devo aspettare di vedere con gli scarichi nuovi come si comporterà. comunque ho già messo in conto di montare il booster plug che ho già acquistato e provato precedentemente. a me è successo questo .
Solo booster plug, qualche inciampo.
solo aggiornamento , qualche inciampo.
Spero che la combinazione delle due cose risolva definitivamente il problema.
@Chris, so have you had stumbling issues?

I did have some, not a lot but some. Currently I'm running the wuka king booster (switched version) and now the bike runs great. I do have a PCV & Autotune which i'll most likely reinstall once a decent aftermarket exhaust comes out.
I'm wondering about a random theory concerning stumbling. Can someone that has had stumbling problems tell me whether their throttle control has any 'play' in it when closed?

For instance, I can turn my throttle, from completely closed, a small amount before I feel tension, giving me a small amount of play at the closed end before it will actually start pulling anything.

I'm specifically wondering if anyone can say they have had stumbling issues, and they DO have play in their throttle control when closed.
My bike has some play in the throttle and no stumbling. It idles alittle rough and on deceleration pops slightly. No Moss update for this Canadian.
I'm specifically wondering if anyone can say they have had stumbling issues, and they DO have play in their throttle control when closed.

Yes. Really bad on my Strada, alleviated by dealer using MOSS to reset idle actuator.
Yes. Occasionally on my Terra, alleviated by Wuka install.

The Wukaficated Terra runs better than the Mossificated Strada.
Okay, thanks, krussel. After my disassembly, I noticed that my throttle cable is adjusted per the manual and has some play when closed and made me think that perhaps not all throttles are adjusted quite right causing the throttle to not necessarily close completely even though the hand control is closed. If you have the correct play in the throttle and still have stumbling issues, then this theory is bust.

There is also an idle adjuster screw on the throttle body that has potential to be adjusted improperly on some bikes, perhaps? I don't believe you are supposed to touch this screw at all, so I'm not sure how to check it.
I also know that on my Jeep's aftermarket throttle body injection system the throttle position sensor and idle air adjustment can both cause problems similar to stumbling and such. I didn't look to see if the throttle position sensor on the TR650 is adjustable at all.
There's a little bit of play in my throttle, which was there pre-MOSS and pre-WUKA. Stalled, stumbled and idled weird before and after MOSS. Not very confident in the dealers MOSSability... the WUKA fixed it all. Still same amount of play in the throttle.. Best $90 spent on this bike so far.. Hope this helps..
Seems to me there's a bunch of solid evidence supporting the B/P or similar gizmo. I don't have a numbers count but everyone who's added one reports good results. In the past, I've wasted lots of money on claims which turned out to be "smoke & mirrors" ...not this time! The BP was magic in the help it brought to my Strada. The dealer Mossed it and that helped some...but the BP fixed what was wrong with my TR.
I'm specifically wondering if anyone can say they have had stumbling issues, and they DO have play in their throttle control when closed.
My TR650 Terra has a large amount of slop in the cables, it was that way when I bought it, and I purposely did not adjust that.

My bike has not been mossed nor any wuku nor Booster plug or anything done to the bike in that regard, and runs great. BUT - I had the opportunity to ride a lot of TR650s and choose the one that did not stumble.
My bike has not been mossed nor any wuku nor Booster plug or anything done to the bike in that regard, and runs great.

My bike ran great too...I thought. Never stalled once. Maybe a little rough but not that bad.

Installed BP and I could not believe how much better it ran. IMO put out some extra cash and get one.
Money well spent in my books.:thumbsup: