• Hi everyone,

    As you all know, Coffee (Dean) passed away a couple of years ago. I am Dean's ex-wife's husband and happen to have spent my career in tech. Over the years, I occasionally helped Dean with various tech issues.

    When he passed, I worked with his kids to gather the necessary credentials to keep this site running. Since then (and for however long they worked with Coffee), Woodschick and Dirtdame have been maintaining the site and covering the costs. Without their hard work and financial support, CafeHusky would have been lost.

    Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been working to migrate the site to a free cloud compute instance so that Woodschick and Dirtdame no longer have to fund it. At the same time, I’ve updated the site to a current version of XenForo (the discussion software it runs on). The previous version was outdated and no longer supported.

    Unfortunately, the new software version doesn’t support importing the old site’s styles, so for now, you’ll see the XenForo default style. This may change over time.

    Coffee didn’t document the work he did on the site, so I’ve been digging through the old setup to understand how everything was running. There may still be things I’ve missed. One known issue is that email functionality is not yet working on the new site, but I hope to resolve this over time.

    Thanks for your patience and support!

Husky Trip to the Tip

If you are half-way thinking about going to Baja. Do it.

Do it NOW.

My first Baja trip was in 2009, just in that short period of time, it's obvious that the Mexican Government has decided to modernize Baja, like RADICALLY. When we left San Juancino, (aka scorpion bay::thumbsup:) we found more evidence.

NorcalSlowPoke went to the side to stay our of the dust, and ran into a dead end

Strangely enough, this was some of the roughest and most difficult to ride terrain so far on the trip!

Things that never happen in the US # 431 wanna go through a construction site, while heavy equipment is working, no problemo!
The workers ALL wanted us to wheelie. Seriously how cool is that?

After a while, Mike was lost so he asked the locals and found out that we'd missed the turn because they were building the new road. (which doesn't really go anywhere yet.)

Like everyone we met in Mexico, really Nice folks who showed the guys where we needed to go to find the road we wanted.

Photo by Yossarian


After we backtracked a bit, we got three different directions from one of the workers
oh, yes it's that way

But then again could be over there

Maybe you should split the difference and go thatta way!

SepticSkeptic checking his fillings.

Norcalslowpoke & Yossarian

We found the road hidden in a freshly excavated canyon and then headed into the hills.

Photo by Yossarian

Next up we had a knarly hill climb, it's steeper than it looks

Once again the sun retreated and we were treated to 45 minutes of absolutely spectacular riding.


And we descended into the valley.


Yossarian giving the thumbs up.

By far the longest water crossing I'd ever attempted. This is the finish looking back, it's hard to see but the beginning was shaded, and very rocky and kinda hairy if I'm being honest about it.

Photo by Yossarian


Photo By Yossarian
Yossarian giving me the thumbs up

Next up we came to an amazing little town, sorry I don't know the name, but it was a cool spot. This is the town where all the parents brought their kids out to see us.
We stopped and topped up

Photo by Yossarian

This is me @ the filling station... note the perma-grin

Photo by Yossarian

How to siphon gas without swallowing tip #357, don't suck, blow!

I'm bummed because this was one of the highlights of the entire trip.... but no light = no pictures :)

We stoppped briefly to adjust loads, etc.




photo by Yossarian.



We had some pretty challenging, rocky terrain. But no pictures, cuz it was dark.
pvduke;74070 said:
Truly awesome guys. Wow. Those moon shots!

And check out that hi-way going in! WTH?

The moon shot's aint nuttin:lol:

Like I said: "We had some pretty challenging, rocky terrain. But no pictures, cuz it was dark."

Well, that wasn't quite true; Septic Skeptic did manage to take a couple of neat night shots, this one we took just for Cafe Husky. :thumbsup: Xymotic, Yossarian, NorcalSlowpoke, bentaero, and Mike Kay.

Photo By SepticSkeptic

This was a LONG day, we rolled into Loreto about 11pm or so, and we were pretty damned tired.

So, if you're wondering why we always seemed to get a late start and ride at night, I think this might splain it...
(norcalslowpoke, SepticSkeptic, lifeinsepia and Mike Kay)


Life in Sepia and Mike got to know each other better. :devil:

We finally got on the road at nearly 9am. I dunno what unit these guys were with, but they had new everything, new uniforms, new weapons, even a brand new UniMog. I guess the "Pemex Security" department is high priority

I spied this tall FF, had his Dakar loaded with oranges, and ATGATT from the waist up :thumbsup:

We're going where????


The road to San Javier was really spectacular. And again, much of it has been freshly paved. Even though this is a new road, sections of it had already been washed out.

BentAero didn't wanna get splashed. Little did we know that this was only the first of many, MANY water crossings we'd have today.

There was a 'bit' of elevation change... here's a pic of JCH4

FINALLY after slogging uphil for 20 minutes we arrived at Mission San Javier

The river was low, but I've heard and I can easily imagine it gets pretty knarly.

Thankfully lane splitting is legal so BentAero was able to avoid the morning traffic jam.

This pic shows 1/10th the color.

After a bit we entered the town of San Javier, That's me!

Photo By Septic Skeptic. Septic's Panos are really amazing Pix!

We stopped for 'brunch' across the street from the actual Mission.
San Javier is an amazing little mountain town. The cobblestone streets and the mission, truly magnificent! :thumbsup:

The Mission at San Javier. Someday I am going to do a trip and see all of them. They really are pretty incredible.

Mind Boggling what humans can make, by hand.





photo by BentAero

The town is spotless for a reason!


Photo by BentAero

We all made another new friend...

Some of use more than others:deal

Mike ordered breakfast for everyone. I forgot what it was but I sort of whined that it wasn't my favorite, and before I knew it they changed it to jamon and eggs. Fresh cheese and boy am I glad they made me change the order cuz man it was good!

Yossarian was liking breakfast, but the strap on his helmet was not agreeing with his chin...

The restaruant was a simple place right next to the mission.
jch4, BentAero, SepticSkeptic

The kids really like checking out the bikes.

But remember folks, Mexico is dangerous! There are small gangs everywhere!

After fueiling ourselves we topped up the bikes.

Mike wasn't fraid of the gangsters and got a little local knowledge, always a good thing

And then we headed out

BentAero gave up on keeping his boots dry. He had a moment on this crossing but managed to save it:applause:

To be completely fair, the crossing was rocky as heck.

photo by septicSkeptic
We crossed the river many many times.
I stopped and hurridly set up a trap. (miscalculated my parking rock a bit)

but my prey stopped and shot me first.

photo by BentAero

But I shot me a BentAero.

See what I mean about that 310? I think the front tire is defective. It simply didn't work.

I don't really like the Stylus 8000, but it is waterproof, so I decided to take advantage.



It took me like 2 hours to figure out why my butt was getting wet. THat rear fender actually does do 'something'

Photo by BentAero
We had a long boring washboard run and then came out to the highway. There wa a local guy there just hanging out and mike chatted with him a bit

Norcalslopoke had a small rad leak so the guys started looking into it.

Like all of the locals we met on this trip without exception* this one was very helpful.

*not counting certain ahem incidents which might have been self inficted. :deal

BentAero picked a unique parking spot.

We made a quick stop at an auto parts store for some supplies.

We stopped for a refreshing juice drink


Photo By Norcal Slowpoke

Orange you glad your a banana? Norcalslowpoke

Mike Kay

I have to admit I TOTALLY chickened out and opted to avoid the water and anything made with it. I think I've had motezumas and I'm probably immune from it but I once had a bad ezperienze!
We waited quite a while for the chase truck to show, and since it was getting late and we were going to stay the night in Cuidad Constitución.

We decided to press on to La Paz, but most of the guys were not looking forward to a long night ride on the slab, especially since they didn't have to so we loaded up the bikes.

It was "suggested" that maybe I should be helping...

Mike and Septic Skeptic and I decided to be tough guys and have a long night ride to La Paz in the dirt.

We topped up and grabbed a couple extra liters just in case.
Mike Kay & SepticSkeptic

As the sun went down about 4:30 we hit the road.
Mike Kay

Septic Skeptic, being a poor looser as I passed his slow ass.


The three of us stopped at a small roadside store to grab some snacks since we weren't gonna eat.


The chase truck came and we told them we were fine, have a good drive. Then we suited up and got ready to hit the dirt

EXCEPT... Clayton's bike was making a "not good" noise. So I had to take off and haul ass to catch & flag down the truck.

Yep, this is our driver, consumate professional that he is.

The guys loaded up Septic's bike and made room for him as best they could. 5 guys in the truck and Yossarian, Mike and I followed on our 610's.
Maybe it was that bump on the head that you took, but you remember that I rode from CC to La Paz, right? I didn't head out with the three of you, but met up with you later as you loaded Clayton's bike.

I certainly DO remember the old fellow walking on the highway as we rode over the pass to La Paz. I didn't see him in my lane until just a few seconds before I passed him. That was freaky.
Yossarian;76594 said:
Maybe it was that bump on the head that you took, but you remember that I rode from CC to La Paz, right? I didn't head out with the three of you, but met up with you later as you loaded Clayton's bike.

I certainly DO remember the old fellow walking on the highway as we rode over the pass to La Paz. I didn't see him in my lane until just a few seconds before I passed him. That was freaky.

So, Anyway :cool:

Mike and Septic Skeptic and I were going to ride dirt to La Paz, because we were manly men and wussie crap like Daylight and sleep'n and Eat'n is for wimps, and dammit we didn't go all the way to :censored: baja to be wimps.

YOSSARIAN, was not really so much a manly man as a man-child.

The chase truck, filled with the delicate flowers decided that the man-child was just too manly (or odoriferous) for their delicate sensibilities, and they couldn't find any room and made him ride the 610. Worse still, he kept a respectable distance behind the truck, cus he knew his place:naughty: Again, could have been trying to stay downwind so as not to offend the ladies' olfactory sensibilities:excuseme:

Thanks for correcting me Yossarian, I fixt it just for you :thumbsup:

Mike and Septic and I explained this to Yossarian and sent him on his merry way. But then, Mike said SHHHHHHH! and we all got quiet, and suddenly out of nowhere Septics bike made a SCCAAARRRRYYYYY noise. :eek: So we three manly men also wimped out and loaded his bike on the truck. Now, I'm not sayin nothin... But.... "suddenly" the ladies found a spot for him to "sit." :busted:I'm just saying that there were laps and butts and butts on laps involved. And it was Dark. And by this point there hadn't been any women-folk around for a while, and well there may have been alcohol involved... But again, not sayin nothin... (I'm just sayin:lol:)

The road to La Paz was a hilly and pretty twisty deal. The two slightly less manly men and the man-child stretched the legs on our bikes.

So we were buzzin along a dark Mexican highway and we came through a turn and then crested a hill, and all of a sudden there's a dude walking towards us 2' into the road. Wearing like black or brown clothes. Since it wasn't straight on, even with the HID I BARELY saw this idiot and I whipped by him at like 80 before I even really realized he was there. He looked like Jesus, or maybe I just saw Jesus in that moment but it was scary as hell!!!:eek:

We got to the outskirts of La Paz, and my reserve light was on, but neither of the other 610's was. This ticked me off since I had EFI and I think Yossarian's is Carbed, AND I'd added a liter of gas. what is that about?

Sorry, I have no pictures of the debauchery in La Paz, so I guess it never happened. :lol:

The next morning we woke up to enjoy the view, and I got a little homesick

Ok, so in truth we were all a bunch of wimps, this guy was the only real man among us, slept on the floor in every hotel

When I should have been inspecting my bike, I went on a short tourist run:

I saw some natural beauty and ancient native drawings

I saw a tortoise and a dolphin (or maybe a seal?)

And I saw all of La Paz

When I got back to the hotel Norcalslowpoke had figured out the cause of the wisps of steam billowing from his radiator

And get this, he had brought one extra radiator, and it was the correct one. These guys are seriously making me feel bad, I brought 30 pounds of useless crap!

Mike Kay helped him get it all re-sorted, so I guess we all knows who wears the pants in that relationship!

Then Mike came over and said, hey, by the way, you're about to die and pointed out this little jewel on my bike:doh

Worse though was that the remaining pinch bolts and the axle nut were finger tight or even loose. (note the paint mark on the axle nut) that paint trick is kinda handy, IF you look at it...:huh

Fortunately I had an appropriate screw in my 30 pounds of crap and got it fixed.

Septic drained the oil and investigated his scary noise.
Finding a bit of metal here, and some really fine metal paste in the filter

Suddenly more scary noises were heard coming from his general direction.

Well, not scary so much as sobbing and crying and "why me god, why!?" sounds.
We got rolling at the crack of 9am, a late start to the single best day of riding I've ever had... so far:thumbsup:

The economy's hurtin all over, this place was closed...

Lifeinsepia's husky of many colors...

Mike stopped to chat with a local...

And then a local ran up and chatted with LifeinSepia. I've been wondering ever since???

I was forced to stop on a nice steep technical bit.

But the boys got going again soon enough...

It got steeper after this, and this was pretty steep.

Somebody beat us to the top.

We hit a bit of the Baja 1000 course, mike saw me taking pix and he put the hammer down. Holy crap that guy is fast.

The speactators for our race were a little different...

Yossarian had a bit of a problem with his font tire wobbling and the spokes got all out of whack.

My Knee-Pad was rubbing on my knee, which was developing a decent infection and was hurting like a b****.

I went ahead found a nice spot to take some pix

Local Flora

NorCalSlowPoke, missed shot.

JCH4, Strike two for me.

Next up to bat was BentAero, and this is my best motorcycle shot, ever

After a few miles, the terrain changed dramatically again.

Another long bit of high-speed dirt, so I didn't get a lot of pix.

Hard pack, then mud, salt then sand, constantly changing.



We saw the ocean, and then turned around immediately... Well we saw it anyway.
Nice report, I keep reading every post! :thumbsup:

NorCalSlowPoke's armor looks like it would work well in a get off


Not sure if it's your best shot ever, but it's certainly the best shot I've ever had taken of me! Wow! Is the posted photo the full resolution? If not, could you email me the top res.? That one's getting framed. :thumbsup:
BentAero;77352 said:

Not sure if it's your best shot ever, but it's certainly the best shot I've ever had taken of me! Wow! Is the posted photo the full resolution? If not, could you email me the top res.? That one's getting framed. :thumbsup:

my best Moto shot... I have some other's I'm pretty proud of: http://ontheboat.net/gallery2/v/Photography+by+Aaron+Lynch/

No it's not full rez, and no I can't email it. Cuz it's frikken huge :D

I'll reupload it full rez tonight...
XLEnduroMan;77370 said:
Xymotic, thank you for not hitting Jesus. :notworthy:

I lit the guy up with Dual HID's and barely saw him, Yosarian also had a good light and barely saw him. I honestly do not know how the truck did not hit him. He must have moved to the shoulder a little bit after we buzzed him.
Eventually, we had to fjord a sand dune. Lifeinsepia

Next up we had a fair bit of riding on dry lake. Thing is, it had been raining quite hard for a few days before we got there, so it was like riding on a layer of paste. I had a couple of moments where the rear wheel just changed direction a good 30 degrees on me for no apparent reason.
I dunno why but I don't have any pics of this area :baldy, so I hope someone else steps up...

The road was tedious so we crossed over a dune and headed towards the beach.

Riding on a beach has been like a goal in life. I wasn't able to do it on my previous trip, and the one time we did it on this trip it got cut short, so I was really looking forward to getting to do a 'real' ride on 'real' sand.
I was not going to be disappointed: NorcalSlowPoke taking in the view.

BentAero didn't stop, he just went BRAAAPPP!


Things that don't happen in the US #3487 25 miles of beach on a warm day, with maybe 5 other people on it in total...
Oh, and riding a dirt bike on the beach, there's that tiny detail as well.

Norcal slowpoke; just another commute on I-5...

About a year ago, I had a miserable time on sand in Death Valley.

I had a miserable time in sand in Baja about a year ago... Ever since I've been forcing myself to ride in the crap, and I've hated every second of it.
FINALLY the dread is gone and I'm actually enjoying riding in it:clap

I was really enjoying the sand, but I will say I think a Stabilizer might make the one-handed photo shoots a tad "safer". It's on my list...

I stil gotta figure out the slowing down part though..

Mike's bike had a nice coating of dry lakebed salty crap

Yossarian seemed to be having a bit of fun too, he passed us 'accidentally' and had to make a few extra passes...

I saw Jesus again

We met up with the chase truck at the Pemex in Todos Santos. I was OUT of money, so I went to the bank and used the ATM, I was feeling a bit rushed cuz I didn't want to hold anyone up.

We had to get by the guards at an exclusive eatery.

And that's half of the best day of riding I've ever had...
xymotic;77377 said:
And that's half of the best day of riding I've ever had...

+1 :cheers:

And I gotta be honest here. The reason we didn't hit the beach when we first saw it was because I was a big wuss. And Mike, without razzing me in the least, looked for a "non-sand" way toward Todos Santos, on the inland side of the dunes. After a few miles of that silty/salty crap (and running very low on fuel), we hit another good access point, with a direct shot toward TS. He stopped and told me, "give it a shot. go up that big-ass dune. if you make and want to keep going, do it -- don't stop. peg it. we'll be right behind you. but if you get up there and don't feel comfortable, just come on back - we'll be here." Well. I went up the hill, and .... and I never looked back. I had virgin sand for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles (in the famous words of Mr. Daltry). epic. really. Thanks Mike for being a great leader.