AA Class
After lunch we did a little stint on the pavement.
Mike, Yossarian, LifeinSepia
Photo by BentAero (I think)
If you drink Corona, you could literally be killing people, at least pay them proper respect and drink Tecate.
When we first hit dirt, we got a little separated. Some guy in a truck saw me coming and decided to do a four wheel drift around the turn towards me. I missed the bed of his truck by about a foot.
It was starting to get a little late,
So, here's the thing, it rained HARD for 2 days a day before we got here. the road was PERFECT.
bentaero and norcalslowpoke
The sun started to set...
And then the sky exploded.
As the sun set, I had a 15 mile sort-of race where I was right behind LifeIn Sepia, both of us haulin ass. It was beautiful, and fast, and exhilarating.
Unfortunately after this I really don't have a lot of pictures. But the road was amazing. If you wanted to slide you could, if you wanted traction it was there. There was no dust, you could go as fast as you wanted, it was twisty and just the funnest roller-coaster I've ever been on! I did almost die once though, I came upon a cattle guard at the top of a hill. it was made of solid concrete sloped at like a 30 degree angle. On both sides was a barbed wire fence, and the opening was pretty narrow. When I got right up to it, I realized it was a 2' wide concrete 'hole' with grating for tires on each side but nothing in the middle. I goosed it and LAUNCHED off the top of the hill, landed as the road turned sharply and dropped back downhill with my heart beating 1000 times a minute.
There were occasional surprises coming out of the dark
And the occasional mud hole.
We ran into a 4x4er and his GF broke down in the middle of a WAY dark road. So we pushed his truck off to the side so people could get around.
And that's it. Kinda weird that the high point of the ride was kind of a let down photographically. I just could not stop and take pictures, the riding was SOOOO amazing.
We rolled into Cabo kind of late, around 10 and we had a bite to eat.
The next day people kind of split up and explored Cabo a bit. SepticSkeptic decided to risk running his bike a little, so he and I went to WalMart looking for a thumb drive (fail)
Next to Walmart was a 'dune buggy experience' place for the tourists. It was pretty laughable but you could rent a dune buggy or a hummer and go around a little track. The place was closed, and we were not atgatt so we had to take it gently. This is septic taking it easy, I got 30 feet in the air, but the dork missed it. (or maybe he was being polite)
Cabo is.... "cabo" you know?
Septic Skeptic The locals were at the little beach on the far side. MUCH nicer than the main circus INMHO
Looking the other direction it's a zoo of Americans.
I live on a sailboat that's exactly like this one, but 110' shorter.

Mike, Yossarian, LifeinSepia

Photo by BentAero (I think)
If you drink Corona, you could literally be killing people, at least pay them proper respect and drink Tecate.

When we first hit dirt, we got a little separated. Some guy in a truck saw me coming and decided to do a four wheel drift around the turn towards me. I missed the bed of his truck by about a foot.
It was starting to get a little late,


So, here's the thing, it rained HARD for 2 days a day before we got here. the road was PERFECT.
bentaero and norcalslowpoke



The sun started to set...

And then the sky exploded.

As the sun set, I had a 15 mile sort-of race where I was right behind LifeIn Sepia, both of us haulin ass. It was beautiful, and fast, and exhilarating.

Unfortunately after this I really don't have a lot of pictures. But the road was amazing. If you wanted to slide you could, if you wanted traction it was there. There was no dust, you could go as fast as you wanted, it was twisty and just the funnest roller-coaster I've ever been on! I did almost die once though, I came upon a cattle guard at the top of a hill. it was made of solid concrete sloped at like a 30 degree angle. On both sides was a barbed wire fence, and the opening was pretty narrow. When I got right up to it, I realized it was a 2' wide concrete 'hole' with grating for tires on each side but nothing in the middle. I goosed it and LAUNCHED off the top of the hill, landed as the road turned sharply and dropped back downhill with my heart beating 1000 times a minute.

There were occasional surprises coming out of the dark

And the occasional mud hole.

We ran into a 4x4er and his GF broke down in the middle of a WAY dark road. So we pushed his truck off to the side so people could get around.

And that's it. Kinda weird that the high point of the ride was kind of a let down photographically. I just could not stop and take pictures, the riding was SOOOO amazing.
We rolled into Cabo kind of late, around 10 and we had a bite to eat.
The next day people kind of split up and explored Cabo a bit. SepticSkeptic decided to risk running his bike a little, so he and I went to WalMart looking for a thumb drive (fail)

Next to Walmart was a 'dune buggy experience' place for the tourists. It was pretty laughable but you could rent a dune buggy or a hummer and go around a little track. The place was closed, and we were not atgatt so we had to take it gently. This is septic taking it easy, I got 30 feet in the air, but the dork missed it. (or maybe he was being polite)

Cabo is.... "cabo" you know?

Septic Skeptic The locals were at the little beach on the far side. MUCH nicer than the main circus INMHO

Looking the other direction it's a zoo of Americans.

I live on a sailboat that's exactly like this one, but 110' shorter.