The meme that someone is hiding something strikes me as out of place here.
- Zip-Ty, who is NOT a dealer, found a set of maps ... maybe or maybe not due to their involvement with Husqvarna racing, or through some other channel (BMW dealer? clever programmer?).
- We have seen some evidence of SOME dealers installing a set of "open pipe/Akra/#3" maps. I see both US and Finland mentioned in this thread.
- We havent seen any evidence that somehow Husqvarna is hiding anything in this scenario
- TE maps are deliberately configured to meet various emissions laws which Husqvarna has an obligation to honor.
- Those who have an upgrade they are willing to provide dont seem to be gouging anyone.
- Ignorance or other priorities seems to be the main reason we dont have more dealers installing upgraded maps.
- Note that Zip Ty themselves discovered only a week ago that they cant apply the maps to TXCs, and have reported one TE449 that wouldnt take the maps.
- All indications are that this is evolving information and that at some point we will have some validation that the Akra maps are the #3 Maps or not, and it will become clear who has the ability to apply the maps and which models they are effective on.