• Hi everyone,

    As you all know, Coffee (Dean) passed away a couple of years ago. I am Dean's ex-wife's husband and happen to have spent my career in tech. Over the years, I occasionally helped Dean with various tech issues.

    When he passed, I worked with his kids to gather the necessary credentials to keep this site running. Since then (and for however long they worked with Coffee), Woodschick and Dirtdame have been maintaining the site and covering the costs. Without their hard work and financial support, CafeHusky would have been lost.

    Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been working to migrate the site to a free cloud compute instance so that Woodschick and Dirtdame no longer have to fund it. At the same time, I’ve updated the site to a current version of XenForo (the discussion software it runs on). The previous version was outdated and no longer supported.

    Unfortunately, the new software version doesn’t support importing the old site’s styles, so for now, you’ll see the XenForo default style. This may change over time.

    Coffee didn’t document the work he did on the site, so I’ve been digging through the old setup to understand how everything was running. There may still be things I’ve missed. One known issue is that email functionality is not yet working on the new site, but I hope to resolve this over time.

    Thanks for your patience and support!

TR650 overheating

Unfortunately not sorted enough. Last night after riding 20miles home from work let it idle while taking off my helmet and it hit overheat lights on and squirted radiator fluid. I called the dealer and said come pick up the bike I want a different one as I can't even ride around town. I am hoping this is not inherent with all the stradas i love the bike and engine but I can't even ride into town without an incident. This is not the way I learned to break in an engine. only 200 miles on the bike.
Good info in this thread. After about 700 miles the bike started to get hot. By 800 I almost didn't want to ride it any further. Could only go about 55mph before it would get too hot.

Got home and let the bubbles out of the system, man were there a lot. Everything seems to be good now.
Thanks everyone. It's pretty late now but I'm deffenatly trying this whole burping thing out. I'm about 550miles Into mine n I'm pretty upset with what's going on. Overheating, the squirting, n had a check engine light come on going uphill heavy on the throttle about 1500rpms before red line.. :/
I think a part of it too is the factory radiator cap return spring is too stiff. When hot the excess/expanded fluid goes into the overflow tank but when it all cools down it cannot return to the radiator. It had been mentioned before that a 2008-ish KLX250 cap fits and works well. I have yet to try one though.
Mine did this once, got hot, just sitting warming up. Now it seems to get hot faster so I just ordered the Kawi cap and will change out the anti freeze/water and drill a bleed hole in the t stat then I will see what happens.
Thanks everyone. It's pretty late now but I'm deffenatly trying this whole burping thing out. I'm about 550miles Into mine n I'm pretty upset with what's going on. Overheating, the squirting, n had a check engine light come on going uphill heavy on the throttle about 1500rpms before red line.. :/

I had issues for two weeks. Started around 750 like yours and took me a few "burps" and refills to get everything right. Has been going fine for about 2 weeks now - there is hope.
Anybody tried a high pressure cap? The Kawasaki is rated at 16psi. I suppose this 22psi model would actually help the bike run cooler.


Hmmmmm...I wonder how much pressure is too much pressure for this motor? I've read on a CRF450 thread (TT) that too much pressure can blow head gaskets and/or water pump gaskets as well as potentially damage the head. I wonder if the same could be said with the TR?

Rww mentioned drilling a small bleed hole, that might work okay with the stock cap too. just throwing that out there.
I think a part of it too is the factory radiator cap return spring is too stiff. When hot the excess/expanded fluid goes into the overflow tank but when it all cools down it cannot return to the radiator. It had been mentioned before that a 2008-ish KLX250 cap fits and works well. I have yet to try one though.

kjackbrown I think you might be on the rite track. I only have 350klm on the clock, at running temp it only takes one or two red lights to kick the fan in. my old klr650 would run all day in the same conditions and barely break a sweat, I had to pour about 250ml into the rad last night. And the expansion tank keeps filling, Until then ill just keep monitoring, and report to this thread. (I have the clutch cable issue also) Would a booster plug help much here? Getting it to run a bit richer and therefore cooler
Further investigation, (Coolant should return to the radiator as the bike cools) I removed the rad cap, wash it, put it in my mouth with my lips creating the seal and suck it! No air, meaning the cap is faulty, Just to check I repeated the exercise our two cars and another cap as well, I was able to draw air easily, having just washed them you could hear the air movement, (try it) but no air movement with the Terra cap. I suspect this is part of the Burping issue some owners have reported, over time this air gap in the rad will get bigger or increase. My motor was cold yet when I removed the cap I heard a suction sound and the overflow tank is still overfull, (adding to the radiator last nite) Also From passed experience never change or increase the rating of your cap, Anyhow off to try a new cap, cause i'm pretty keen to make this Italian Stallion work for me
well on the first husky tried a new cap and no fix. On the new husky they got a new thermostat supposedly updated and new radiator again updated. also convinced them to do a dyno break in so the bike heated up at the shop before I got it. They also burped the bejesus out of it.
well on the first husky tried a new cap and no fix. On the new husky they got a new thermostat supposedly updated and new radiator again updated. also convinced them to do a dyno break in so the bike heated up at the shop before I got it. They also burped the bejesus out of it.

It's not much in the way of news, but I've put about 3000 miles on my Terra since last October, and it's never over-heated. I've had the fan come on, but that cools it off.
Thanks everyone for the input, Just returned from the dealer where they burped for me and we will see how it goes
well on the first husky tried a new cap and no fix. On the new husky they got a new thermostat supposedly updated and new radiator again updated. also convinced them to do a dyno break in so the bike heated up at the shop before I got it. They also burped the bejesus out of it.

Well the burping wasn't the issue, the cap was! probably the cheapest component on the bike.
And jackb Kawasakis normally run a 1.6 cap, the standard for the Terra is 1.2