• Hi everyone,

    As you all know, Coffee (Dean) passed away a couple of years ago. I am Dean's ex-wife's husband and happen to have spent my career in tech. Over the years, I occasionally helped Dean with various tech issues.

    When he passed, I worked with his kids to gather the necessary credentials to keep this site running. Since then (and for however long they worked with Coffee), Woodschick and Dirtdame have been maintaining the site and covering the costs. Without their hard work and financial support, CafeHusky would have been lost.

    Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been working to migrate the site to a free cloud compute instance so that Woodschick and Dirtdame no longer have to fund it. At the same time, I’ve updated the site to a current version of XenForo (the discussion software it runs on). The previous version was outdated and no longer supported.

    Unfortunately, the new software version doesn’t support importing the old site’s styles, so for now, you’ll see the XenForo default style. This may change over time.

    Coffee didn’t document the work he did on the site, so I’ve been digging through the old setup to understand how everything was running. There may still be things I’ve missed. One known issue is that email functionality is not yet working on the new site, but I hope to resolve this over time.

    Thanks for your patience and support!

TR650 overheating

Did you go with the Kawi radiator cap?

No, the dealer kindly offered me another cap off another terra. Being a pain in the backside I wasn't satisfied with the recovery method/function.
So I eventually sourced another. Its the Tridon brand and I don't know if you can find them over in the states. (used in GMH cars over here)
It has the same ratings as the standard cap and also the same fitting lugs (which are a bit unusual)

Tridon Radiator Cap part# CB17120 for the Terra


Also you might be interested to know (if you already dont) that Unifilter are making an air filter for the Terra


$30:00 from web site, it looks washable?

For off road bikes downunder
Hondas Yamahas & Suzukis _ 1.1
Husqvarna_1.2 for the Terra
Husaberg_1.8.............. Thats what I am told

Also the CPC brand of caps looks the same as the standard cap and probably works the same as the standard!!

Now if I can just find a decent wind screen life would be perfect!!!
No, the dealer kindly offered me another cap off another terra. Being a pain in the backside I wasn't satisfied with the recovery method/function.
So I eventually sourced another. Its the Tridon brand and I don't know if you can find them over in the states. (used in GMH cars over here)
It has the same ratings as the standard cap and also the same fitting lugs (which are a bit unusual)

Tridon Radiator Cap part# CB17120 for the Terra


Also you might be interested to know (if you already dont) that Unifilter are making an air filter for the Terra


$30:00 from web site, it looks washable?

For off road bikes downunder
Hondas Yamahas & Suzukis _ 1.1
Husaberg_1.8.............. Thats what I am told

great info', also to mention Palmer Products UK makes a fully adjustable screen for the Terra/Strada. Can't recommend this item enough. Great fit and finish, sits off the OEM cowl on the adjustables so no neg air effects. Roughly 2" vert adjust and 1.5" for and aft.
Also the CPC brand of caps looks the same as the standard cap and probably works the same as the standard!!

Now if I can just find a decent wind screen life would be perfect!!!
I haven't seen any discussion of the overheating problems lately. Has this problem been solved for most folks??

I finally picked up my Terra two weeks ago, but I can't seem to get an hour down the road before having the damn thing overheat. It's already been back to the dealer once, and will be going back in the next day or two. They said they got several bubbles out of the radiator the last time I took it in. That allowed it to go 60 miles instead of 5 miles before overheating. At this point, I have NO faith that the bike can even get me to the store across the street, let alone to a camping trip 200 miles away. Really a pity, because this would be a fantastic bike, save for this one ridiculous problem.

I've read through this whole thread. Aside from "burping" the radiator, and possibly switching out the radiator cap, has anyone found any silver bullet that can make this thing freakin' work??
that sounds very annoying, i burped my radiator, changed the cap and its been better, however i have definitely noticed that idling on the kickstand seems to be the worst time for overheating, if i idle for a long time with the bike level my bike the temp gauge rises till the fan kicks in then slowly declines, i personally believe the heating fan should kick in earlier than it does..
i put some Royal Purple ice coolant additive in my radiator at the beginning of the summer and never burped the radiator. Rode the bike all summer in the Vegas heat and never overheated once even the day i rode in 117 degrees. the stuff is cheap and available at most automotive stores.
I haven't seen any discussion of the overheating problems lately. Has this problem been solved for most folks??

I've read through this whole thread. Aside from "burping" the radiator, and possibly switching out the radiator cap, has anyone found any silver bullet that can make this thing freakin' work??

Yes the problem has been resolved, the problem in my case was the cap. Go back to page 5 and try my little exercise, and have a couple of other caps to compare. I got another cap off another terra but it was also slightly dodgy with the recovery function. If you find or think the cap is crap in its function, demonstrate to the dealer/mechanic, better still just go and find another for $10. The standard cap was a dog to get on and off, the after market cap fits much better also.
Thanks to kjackbrown for putting me on the right track.
Hang in there, and let us know
I think deb is the only owner that never did get her original bike working. Burping and new cap has seemed to fix everyone else's issues. It can take a few (though not several) times of burping. If it's the cap then the problem may come back after some time. If it continues, maybe start a conversation with deb to get more details of her ordeal.
When I did my burping I kept saying to myself... "No dealer would go through this"
I ran the bike until the level overflowed the first try, then learned here that I had to shut the bike down before it overflowed.
I started and stopped the bike numerous times during the burping process; I spent a LOT of time doing it.

If your dealer "burped" your bike they probably did a fraction of what was really needed.
When I did my burping I kept saying to myself... "No dealer would go through this"
I ran the bike until the level overflowed the first try, then learned here that I had to shut the bike down before it overflowed.
I started and stopped the bike numerous times during the burping process; I spent a LOT of time doing it.

If your dealer "burped" your bike they probably did a fraction of what was really needed.

Thanks for that, I missed that part about shutting the bike down numerous times. Probably why my attempt to burp it didn't pan out very well. I will have to try that, after I get it back from the dealer. However, I still plan on taking it back to the dealer first. I want to get all of this on their service record in case things go really south (sure hope that's not the case).

Has your bike run "cool" since you did this? The thing that really pisses my bike off is freeway speeds (70 - 75 mph). A couple miles of that, and we're done for the day. That makes any camping trip further than down the street, out of the question. I didn't buy this bike to put it in the back of my pickup.
Had a similar problem. Also the bikes computer takes into account the speed and the temperature when it turns on the overheat light. In other words you can run at the same hot temp but just a lower speed - at least it has been this way in my experience.
Had a similar problem. Also the bikes computer takes into account the speed and the temperature when it turns on the overheat light. In other words you can run at the same hot temp but just a lower speed - at least it has been this way in my experience.

It's not just a matter of the light coming on. After a several miles of freeway speed, the temp goes right to max and stays there. It needs to sit for about ten minutes, but even after that it's only good for a few miles (at any speed after that!) before going off the charts again.
I have not had any further overheat issues since I burped mine.
But I also never had the situation that you seem to be having either.
Mine would click along at 65-70 with no issues, it was only in stop & go traffic that mine got hot and would puke coolant at me.
Even at that, I never got an overheat light or really high reading on the gauge.
The thing that really pisses my bike off is freeway speeds (70 - 75 mph). A couple miles of that, and we're done for the day.

Just out of curiosity, stick a long cable tie down the radiator filler neck and make sure it stops halfway down the tank. If the baffle inside has partially detached, coolant will not cross flow and take the easy path as it will loop between the inlet & outlet hoses.
If the baffle has totally broken or is missing, the engine would overheat a lot quicker than what you describe. Could also have a thermostat that is not fully opening.
In my opinion this bike very hot. I did make burp and now goes much much better, but still at traffic lights the temperature rises and if they are in the queue the fan turns on. The good thing is that I did not ever happened to turning on the red light alarm overheating.
Whats your overflow tank doing? Try Filling the radiator up and measure the overflow tank when cold with a cable tie, go out and get it hot, upon returning prop the bike to the right and leave the bike stand overnight. The next morning without disturbing the bike remeasure the overflow tank. Sorry to harp on about the cap issue but it has a critical roll to play.
Also check that the hose going too/from the tank isn't kinked
In my case the fix was a different strada with a new radiator and thermostat apparently there was enough of an issue that husky made a new revamped radiator & thermostat. All the tr650's out of my dealership since mine have them put in. I have 1500 miles without any issues so far.
Got about 2200 smiles on the TR now & never even had the fan kick on. Operating temp has been a non-issue, so take heart once you solve the problem it should be a non-issue for you too.:)
In my case the fix was a different strada with a new radiator and thermostat apparently there was enough of an issue that husky made a new revamped radiator & thermostat. All the tr650's out of my dealership since mine have them put in. I have 1500 miles without any issues so far.
Would you know the new part numbers for the upgraded radiator and thermostat?