Affirmative! I´m looking into opening up the airbox. But I use the bike in summer AND through the winter months and have always had probs with water/snow/slush on my other SuMo.. The JD tuning setup is working well and am now spending time experimenting (glad that I finally found the place where the plug goes in ... as I was on the point of panicking).
I would assume yes, but you could call or email the question to JD to confirm. The bikes have only been FI for a couple of years now and they are still using the same equipment so I can't imagine it not working.
I just added the Leo Vince and the power-up kit. Bike runs great but is pinging on anything but premium grade fuel. Not sure if the tuner will cure this or not.
Unless you can change the timing curve or compression ratio you will get pinging with sub-standard low octane fuel. Only an ECU modification for the timing curve will come close to working. Fuel metering adjustments from a tuner will not.
These bikes are designed to run on ~98 octane euro gas. 91 is already abusing them. It's another 30 cents for 3 gallons, I think you'll manage
Had the same issue with my SM630 untill i did the power-up kit from Husqvarna. After the power-up the bike is smooth all over. You gotta do the power-up kit first, then the JD Jetting tuner is the icing on the cake.
I ordered the power surge now too. Should take a while to get it from the US to Germany though I'll dyno it with the power surge and then once again after opening the air box.
I mix race gas 4:1 to get close to the RON 98. Usually buy 110-114 leaded in 5 gal cans at my local Ace Auto Parts. Premium is 93 around here and has ethanol
I'm 99% sure that is to keep the Cat and O2 sensor alive. If you have done the power up and replaced the cans there is no issue.
Has anyone with this tuner measured their mileage? With the power up kit and open exhaust, are you getting better mileage with the tuner?
Just threw on thee JD kit, I've got the PU, opened airbox and decatted stock pipes. In the next week or so I'll be doing a Blazes-style muffler mod, just waiting on perf tubing. About to take a shower and go check out the JD kit
Rocko- love the avatar. It's actually tattooed across the back of my shoulder. Had to do a double take when I saw this. Thanks guys for the info. Just picked up my TE630 2 weeks ago so just now looking into which tuner to get. My bike (which has the p/u kit) runs absolutely great, but in an odd contradiction I can't seem to get more than 35 mpg out of it. It should be getting 40-47 w/ the p/u kit installed. Eric
I got 50.6 driving 140 miles on highway between 55 to 65 mph. 6th gear 60 mph at 3800 rpm 5th gear 60 mph was about 4500 rpm (but do not remember exactly) i am on a heavy side 230+ bike is PUed
I spoke to James Dean about the 610 and he sent me a picture of the wiring and said i just need to look at the colours if they match and that he is sure it is the same FI system in the 610 as in the 630... Will have a look and if so will definatel get one for my one 610 My 610 has the O2 conversion on already and a Arrows pipe --- anythying for a little extra --oooomph
I installed the Power Surge today. The bike runs way better now and especially in the higher revs it pulls stronger. Sadly power wheelies in 2nd, that I expected, still aren't possible I hope the reason for that is that I haven't opened the airbox yet or replaced the stock cans....
Find someone (dealer) with a TE 630 and swap the ECU's, at least temporarily. I'm experimenting with this on Saturday... My dealer tried this a few weeks ago when a guy bought a TE as a trailbike and didn't like the snappy throttle response so they swapped in the ECU from an SMS and it was smoother all around. The guy that got the TE ECU in his SMS was more than happy with the increased throttle response.
Isn't there a setting on the power surge that effects throttle response? Put it on the most extreme setting and whack open the throttle and tell me what happens