i think you hit the nail on the head there jeff aka bolt, Bpersonally,i think the new husavarna smokers are what BMW SHOULD have been aiming for, and the product we,the customers,should`ve been given about 5years ago. i know i would`ve updated my 06 WR250 a lot sooner than last year if they`d released a bike with specs like the new TE300 5years ago.
Well Curley, KTM would have had to have bought Husky, 5 years ago to have given you that.
Personally, BMW, to me, didn't do too bad a job. They just decided to get back to Road Bikes, and 'Super Scooters', and enter into collaboration with TVS in India, to make, what could be in the future, many millions more motorcycles, to be sold into genuinely growing markets, around the world. KTM should thank their lucky stars that BMW didn't retain Husky, and keep going for their Dirt Bike market, with bikes produced in India.
KTM know their future (As do BMW, with their TVS venture) - for real sales, above the piddly 108 / 109,000 bikes made / sold last year, is through Indian production. Think about the sort of price the Freerides could be sold at, if / when they are made in India. The Mini Dukes, are extremely well made bikes, that sell for, for once, a reasonable price here in OZ - unlike the rest of the KTM line. We get royally reamed, here, as do so many other markets, by KTM.
Through BMWs aquisition of Husqvarna, Husky continued, the XLights saw the light of day, the GS450 got refined, and the Husky side of things, with several models, gave us far better bikes than the BMWs they 'started life' as.
I for one, rue the day when Nudas went bye , bye.
I had a Nuda R whilst I was in Europe for last years MXDN and ISDE. With an Ackro, my mates ( a Swiss American) ECU he makes, a TTX rear shock, TTX inserts in the forks, and a thumb brake fitted for me, I swear it was the Best Road Bike I'd ridden in years. An Absolutely incredible bike. I got to 'punt' it around the Nurburgring as well, and it was bloody fantastic. I / we, also gave that bloody 'Winged Keel' attrocity of a front fender the 'hoick'. Hell, the std Nuda, and Nuda Rs were / are weapons - I wish I'd had enough 'lazy money' lying around recently to have snaffled the last ones available.