PC V with Auto Tune = Holy Grail. for the 2008 & 2009 Husqvarna EFI bikes

Discussion in 'EFI/carb' started by Coffee, Sep 2, 2009.

  1. Coffee CH Owner

    Between homes - in ft Wayne IN
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2006 TE250, 2013 TR650 Terra - sold
    You got it.

    There is more, but not really worth typing about

    For instance: on a bike with a carb (or efi) the ideal fuel amount is also determined by riding style & terrain in addition to all the other factors... Also the maps from dynojet do not have any cells filled in for decel (below 10% throttle in the higher rpms), only acceleration - autotune fills those in... and other little things like that.

    PC V and autotune is an awesome combination :)
  2. kingsqueak Husqvarna
    B Class

    Monmouth County NJ
    Cool, the off/closed throttle leap my bike takes is rather unnerving at times. Now I just have to be patient enough to get it here and get it on the bike.
  3. new510guy Husqvarna
    C Class

    Wow, interesting,
    so if Decel is kind of harsh, (SM510) is 13.2 still the right number?
    what softens deceleration, fattening it up?
  4. Coffee CH Owner

    Between homes - in ft Wayne IN
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2006 TE250, 2013 TR650 Terra - sold
    I vaguely recall some of the 2008 mapping. It was really rich and the maps from dynojet had the typical acceleration curve (throttle position vs rpm) - open the throttle and have rpms increase over time.

    So some of the values were -30% in that curve e.g. 50% throttle might have -30% less injector width at 7000 rpms. But the dynojet map cell for 7000 rpms and anything under 10% throttle was not filled in - so on decel at that rpm it would suddenly jump from -30% to 0% (unaltered duration). So it would efficiently get more fuel when the bike needed it the least. The bike I rode (2008 TE250) would just stall out from being too rich until the autotune filled in the map a bit better. Then all was well :)

    The absolute afr is not as important as getting the map filled in so things would transition smoothly.
  5. jutny Husqvarna
    A Class

    Montclair, NJ
    just so i'm clear before I do anything stupid. I can buy a power commander 5 thats listed for ANY bike, and use it with my husky eh? I figure maybe some are prewired for twins/triples, and as such wouldnt have enough iinjector outputs for a 4cylinder, but would obviously have enough for any thumper.
  6. seymore Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Boise, ID
    Power Commanders are NOT all the same! They're designed for each applications and can have different wire harness lengths, connectors and circuitry. In the case of the Husqvarna's all of the PCV are the same so far except for which fuel map is preloaded. Dynojet develops maps from testing each bike model on a dynamometer. The new auto-tune improves on this by refining the map for your bike and desire AFR. I would suggest you buy a PCV that is designed for the Husky's.

    Email me if you would like a quote for a PVC & Auto-tune module.
  7. wilmar13 Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Los Angeles, CA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Other Motorcycles:
    Backfire and off idle dead spot...

    have an '08 510SMR
    Running, PCV w/AT, Leo Vince Dual Ti exhaust, with backfire screen in airbox removed and side panels drilled. Bike had power up kit before exhaust and PCV w/AT.

    I have had it installed for a few weeks now... has more power everywhere, except maybe up top with much stronger midrange and throttle response (power wheelies are easy in 3rd). Overall runs MUCH better except for two things:
    1) off idle stumble, basically engine stumbles as you begin to turn the throttle, sometimes causing me to stall
    2) fairly frequent backfire or popping when letting off throttle

    I have reset the throttle with Autotune several times, but it does not seem to eliminate the problem... and I cannot find an exhaust leak anywhere. So the most obvious reasons don't seem to be it, I am looking for ideas what this could be, and if they could be related.:confused:
  8. wilmar13 Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Los Angeles, CA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Other Motorcycles:
    OK, so it gets more confusing... just has the bike idling in the garage trying to reset throttle again. So I have my target A/F at 13.2 for all cells, and while it is idling the thing is showing A/F ratio around 15, and yet it is still trying to take fuel out??? It gets hot really fast when idling, so I have no doubt it is running way too lean, but why is it doing this intentionally... it is removing fuel up to max of -30%, even though the actual observed A/F is ABOVE the target:confused:.

    Also for whatever reason just moving the throttle load from ~2% at idle (it should show 0% but I guess there is some variance) to about 4%, which is the least amount I could turn it, the engine slows from 1800rpm to about 1500rpm and acts like it will die.

    So plugged in with PC software it is doing the same thing I see on the road. I am tempted to put in a bogey A/F of like 11 just to see if it still leans out the trim to the maximum. Any help here would be very appreciated, because now that I am looking into this, it is really frustrating me:banghead:
  9. wilmar13 Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Los Angeles, CA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Other Motorcycles:
    Well, I fixed both problems by rewriting the table to not remove any fuel at 2% and 5% throttle, it idles fine now at 13.2 and the stumble is gone... but the -fuel trims were put there by the autotune to begin with; so I still don't understand why it is taking fuel out when it should be adding it ??? Thankfully it only happens below 5% throttle. I will just have to be careful and always edit those two columns back to 0 before accepting trims.

    I am tempted to go out and see if the popping is fixed now too, but will probably wait until tomorrow.

    Anyone else out there have these problems?
  10. jlk_250 Husqvarna
    A Class

    Minneapolis, MN
    I started with the AF target map from Dynojet, which had zeroes for 0% throttle and many 2% throttle points. That is, Autotune disabled for idle and low RPM off-idle. I figured there is no reason it can't get the idle mixture right so I enabled them. Nope, didn't work! I ended up with a bad running bike. It would bop back and forth between way too rich and way too lean. So bad that it would miss, which I assume makes it hard for it to get the AFR right. I fixed the bad map values and zeroed out the AFR targets for idle and off-idle and it's okay. You can tweak it manually for idle by watching the AFR readout.

    Before the PCV/AT I had a PCIII and an aftermarket AFR meter. It was very time consuming to dial in. The PCV is cool but I'm not yet convinced that it does a great job. Good enough, yes, but maybe not as good as I could do manually. Eventually I'll take the AT off and put my AFR meter on and I"ll see how well the AT module actually does. (I would know already except I did my PCIII tuning with the SA in and have the PCV auto tuning with the SA out.)

    One other comment, my 2008 has a horrible non-linearity in the fueling at idle and off-idle. This is IMO the cause of the flame-out issue. It's rich at idle and horribly lean just off idle. I don't have ibeat so don't know if it's due to a bad TPS setting or if they're all like that. See the DIY throttle stop tweak thread (though I did the opposite of that).

    Lastly, it sounds like you might have to recalibrate the PCV throttle position. It should be 0% for idle. I have seen some drift, but not that much.
  11. wilmar13 Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Los Angeles, CA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Other Motorcycles:
    Yep, Autotune is leaning the A/F below 5% throttle…

    Yeah, setting everything to 0 below 5% throttle to keep autotune from messing it up is the way to go… it was running fine after resetting everything (but leaving 13.2 in all cells), but as I got to work this morning I could feel it heating up again progressively more at each stoplight, and then the backfire and popping began again. I will do what you did when I get home, set the table manually to get decent A/F below 5% throttle, and then turn everything in cells 5% and below to zero so autotune won’t f*#k it up again. Very frustrating, I even downloaded the most recent version, but the damn thing is still removing fuel to the max allowance and running it lean as hell. Runs fine everywhere else though.

    Oh and I was looking at load… at idle the throttle was 0% as it should have been… I now see my whole problem of stumble and backfire is from the Autotune creating crazy lean conditions at throttle settings below 5%.
  12. wilmar13 Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Los Angeles, CA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Other Motorcycles:
    Why does it take fuel out when it should add?

    What I can’t understand is why does it ignore the settings and continue to take fuel out, when the measurement is coming back above target? Could there be something wrong in the code? I mean when I have it set to 12:1, and it is reading say 15.2:1 with an adjustment of -30 (the max adjustment set) if I raise the max adjustment to say -40% it will take even more fuel out to be running at 16.5:1 and -40%. It is like it ignores the feedback loop and just changes it to whatever the minimum setting allowed is. Hopefully since it only does it at low throttle inputs, no internal damage has been done by extreme EGT’s.
  13. sooperxtool Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Thornton, CO
    Is anybody successfully running the the 09 PCV on a 2010 SM or TE 510????
    I searched with no luck
  14. DH247 Husqvarna
    C Class

    I will be running it soon.... I hope. My bike is still sitting in the shop (going on a month... @$#%@#%$). They offered a smokin deal on the PV5 + AT as my bike has been there for more than 2x as long as I have had it. 6 weeks and 220km. Uber awesome experience to date. I will post comments regarding it with the 2010 TE510 once I can actually ride my bike again.
  15. sooperxtool Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Thornton, CO
    So your shop said it would work? That would be awesome. Theres a guy selling one for a pretty good price so I was just trying to make sure I didn't buy something that wouldn't work for me.

    Sorry to hear about the bike man, that blows. What seems to be wrong with it? Are they just waiting on parts from Italy or something?
  16. Mik-3 Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Husvarna SM510R 2010
    Very basic questions about PC V+Autotune box in Husky SM510R 2010. So I looked at those instructions, what I needed to put the Autotune box operating time, minimum run time, the necessary machinery and the necessary temperature and instructions read Enrichment trim %...

    What else should I do when I installed PC V + Autotune, what other settings need to put. I have not installed it yet in my bike
  17. Coffee CH Owner

    Between homes - in ft Wayne IN
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2006 TE250, 2013 TR650 Terra - sold
    The defaults should be really close.

    It has been a long long time but I believe:
    • minimum operating time is not terribly important - 90 seconds? That is basically a check to keep strange values from being targeted after 'interesting' situations such as an upside down bike.
    • minimum operating temperature is more important, but I'm not sure you want it to be near the radiator cap relief point considering this time of year and your location. Maybe whatever temperature you bike gets to after 3 minutes of running?
    • I generally recommend 10-15% for the trims until people know what they are doing with these things.
    Mik-3 likes this.
  18. jlk_250 Husqvarna
    A Class

    Minneapolis, MN
    The minimum temperature doesn't matter because on a Husqvarna the PCV doesn't connect to a temperature sensor unless you add one of your own. The delay time is there to let the O2 sensor and engine get up to temperature before it makes adjustments. The default is probably good enough but I set mine longer to make sure. Maybe 240 seconds?
  19. HSMRDave Husqvarna
    B Class

    Its strange that Wilmar13 is having problems with his PCV and Autotune, I am running exactly the same setup on an 08' bike, and I have had no problems what so ever at any engine revs.:confused: For me at least it was genuinely a plug and play bit of kit, with me just accepting the trims now and again to modify the base map:thumbsup:
  20. husky bom Husqvarna
    A Class

    help with pc v.......i am getting a pc v for my 2010 te 250.....i just need to know can i just plug it in and go with the std map that power commander supply in the pc v .....what can i expect from the pc v......will this map be better than the husky efi settings .........what do i need to do...
